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Thanks to the hard work of Ron Wybranowski, we now have a Class of 1961 Website, with lots of exciting features, including a bunch of pictures from our Chicago reunion. You can find the Website at  http://www.dartmouth.edu/alumni/classes/61/.

Your class officers want to use both the new Website and your permanent Dartmouth e-mail address to communicate with you. Please respond to the College’s request, and submit your everyday e-mail address as the bridge from your Dartmouth e-mail address. That way, mail addressed to your permanent Dartmouth e-mail address will automatically reach you. Also, we’re building an e-mail class directory on the Web site, so send your everyday e-mail address to Ron at ronwybo@ultranet.com

A reminder: our fall mini-reunion, Oct. 17-18, features Football Coach John Lyons as our Saturday dinner speaker at the Sumner Inn in Hartland. Make your reservations NOW. For a room, call the Airport Economy Hotel. It’s during leaf season, which puts motel space at a premium. For details, see last month’s magazine or the Website.

Now, as promised, some more notes from Chicago:

"This is the first Dartmouth reunion I’ve attended, ever (37 years) and it has been a wonderful, educational and eye-opening experience," said Tim Grumbacher. "Classmates I never said more than hi to in four years at Dartmouth have discussed our life’s challenges and where we think we want to go. This reunion is about 58-59 year olds discussing what life is all about."

"It was very flattering and our honor to have great/best friends and classmates come to Chicago and ‘renew’ and ‘redirect’ relationships," said Cleve Carney. "I am very enthusiastic about our new class project to endow a fund for the Dartmouth arts community and endorse it 100%."

Alan Hale reported he is assistant prosecutor for Logan County, Ohio, working as juvenile prosecutor and attorney for County Children’s Services. "Nine-year-old son Victor keeps me active in school, Cub Scouts and plenty of camping and fishing."

"Still working as a radiologist but contemplating retirement," said John Edwards. "My golf game needs full-time work." Also contemplating retirement was Dave Cook, who has been selling wholesale hardware supplies in Grand Rapids, Michigan. "I plan to wind down out of the rat race in the next 2-3 years."

And while Bill Glenn reported he is still active in his commercial roofing and sheet metal company, "We are hoping to be more North and South so if you are near Door County Wis. or Sanibel, Fla, let us know. We would love to host ‘61s anytime."

"My small consulting firm of 15 professionals was acquired by Coopers & Lybrand in 1997 (75,000 people) and now is part of Price Waterhouse Coopers (140,000 people) – just a little change!," said Class Vice President Roger McArt. "We’ve started spending more time, during the summer (and off season) on Martha’s Vineyard, where we recently bought a summer cottage. Let us know if you are near the Cape and come see us."

I would be remiss if I did not extend, for the class, our thanks to Cleve Carney and Mardi Glenn, the primary organizers of our Chicago reunion.

Robert Conn

Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Medical Center Boulevard
Winston-Salem NC 27157-1015

Note:  This column is limited to 500 words at the request of the Alumni Magazine.