Women Logo Women's Initiative


On this page we hope to provide brief descriptions and links to information of use to the Women of the Class of 1961. We welcome your contributions to the page which can be submitted to Nyla Arslanian or Patti Rich.

Mini-Reunion Report

We enjoyed an inspiring, informative, wonderful Women's Gathering at the Newport Mini-Reunion.  Prior to the reunion, a survey asking about concerns and what keeps us occupied was emailed which provided a starting place for our discussion.  Using the opportunity of the theme "Women Never Retire," we shared what's happening in our lives. Read More.

The Survey solicited willingness to involved. Read More


Prior to the our 50th Reunion, Nyla Arslanian prepared a book sharing stories of the women of 1961 in parallel to the 50th aniversary book. Thirty-eight women contributed. Nyla has noted those women who have died as of this posting on our website on May 10, 2021. Read More