As promised, I am beginning this column with a report on the activities of Bob LeResche and Lloyd Briggs. Bob is living in Juneau, Alaska and Clearmont, Wyoming and depending on where he is at the time, he is either an investment banking consultant specializing in municipal bonds or a cattle rancher in Northern Wyoming. Bob checked in by email and reports that he has had a variety of interesting employment experiences. These have ranged from counting the caribou heard in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to serving as the Commissioner of Natural Resources for the State of Alaska. He also served as the "oil spill coordinator" for the governor during the Exxon Valdez incident and as executive director of the Alaska Power Authority. He summarizes his life’s accomplishments by saying, "I’ve managed to have a great string of jobs and to get wealthy enough to be comfortable while never living in a city of over 30,000 people." Quite an accomplishment! Lloyd, who now lives in Fairfield, Conn., left Dartmouth to attend West Point at the end of our freshman year, graduated in 1965, picked up an MBA from Harvard Business School, did a stint in Viet Nam and returned to serve on the faculty at west point until 1973. Upon leaving the army, Lloyd worked for First Bank of Chicago, Ross Perot and EDS in Iran, International Paper and finally served as the chief executive of a reinsurance company until its sale in 1996.

Russell Sage also was the Dartmouth birthplace of a number of those who even at 55 continue to "practice." James Dull (Cleveland, Ohio), Martin Echter (New Haven, Conn.) and Terry McCoy (Louisville, Kentucky) are attorneys, while Steve Stein (Hamden, Conn.), Ronald Benz (North Reading, Mass.), Richard Lessow (Simsbury, Conn.) and Gene Levin (Doylestown, Pennsylvania) are all physicians. Terry reported by email that he has been practicing real estate law at the firm founded by his father since returning from the Peace Corps in 1970. However, like many of us he is now looking forward to at least semi-retirement and a lot of traveling especially in Europe.

Russell Sage also spawned a couple of professors. Dennis Mithaug (New York, NY0 is a professor of education at Columbia Teachers College and is the author of ten (count em) books! Included in this collection is one entitled, Self-Determined Kids: Raising Satisfied and Successful Children and judging from the successful careers of his four children he and his wife Deidre have been quite successful in putting his theories into practice. Dick Gaumer (New Orleans, Louisiana) also donned the professorial robes. Dick is a professor of pathology at the Louisiana State University Medical Center. Specifically he is the director of the Analytical Cytrometry and Special Immunology Laboratory that is devoted primarily to monitoring the progression of HIV/AIDS patients in the state.

Well, 1999 is right around the corner. So make a New Years resolution to be in Hanover for the 35th reunion of the Dartmouth Class of 1964 and more importantly–Keep it!

--Tom Parkinson, 8240 Peach Lane, Fogelsville, PA 18051 <Thomas.L.Parkinson.64@alum.dartmouth.org>